Child Health and Baby Clinic

We offer a dedicated child health and baby clinic that provides routine developmental checks and vaccinations for children up to age 5. The clinic runs every Tuesday afternoon from 1pm to 3pm, attended by Dr Ganguli or Dr Southall, alongside a Practice Nurse.

Please note, this service is not for ill babies—if your baby is unwell, please schedule an appointment with the doctor for appropriate care.

Schedule of vaccinations (pre-school)

8 weeks6-in-1 (DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB), Rotavirus, MenB
12 weeks6-in-1 (second dose), Rotavirus (second dose), PCV (Pneumococcal)
16 weeks6-in-1 (third dose), MenB (second dose)
1 yearHib/MenC, PCV (second dose), MenB (third dose), MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
3 years, 4 monthsMMR (second dose), 4-in-1 pre-school booster (DTaP/IPV)

This schedule may change, so always check with the NHS or one of our clinical team for the latest guidance.